

Menus are the primary navigation elements for interacting with processes and processors in the Dynamo system. The open gateways to interact with a particular process or processor.

Menu Overview

Menus are created from the Manage Menus process that can be found in the Dynamo developer interface (Dynamo-admin). If a menu is created and has a claim(s) attached, the menu will only be visible to users that have that particular claim.

Menu Object

Property NameTypeDescription
_idMongo ObjectIDMongoDB generated ID for the Library.
displayLabelStringThe menu display label that the user sees
typeEnum values = ["CLIENT", "DYNAMO"] The type of menu. DYNAMO menus are menus that can appear on a particular domains application while CLIENT menus are menus are menus that appear on the Developer interface (Dynamo-admin).
valueMongoID stringThe ID of either the process or processor that the menu navigates to
iconStringValid material design icon used to define the icon the menu will use
categoryEnum values = ["LOGIN", "PROFILE", "MAINMENU"] Defines the position the menu will take on the screen
clientStringuseful if the menu type is CLIENT. It defines the particular client to use.
groupStringused to implement a menu and submenu kind of functionality.
domainMongoDB Object IDties the menu to a particular domain. If it isn't provided, it will be available in all the domains
uidStringThe unique ID for the menu
homeBooleanDetermines if the menu will be the default process that loads when the user is logged in
activatedBooleanIf true, the menu will be available to be shown. If not the menu will be disabled.
claimsArrayDetermines the users that are authorized to view a particular menu.